Dr. Kristin Nichols-Lopez has 10 years of experience in research and evaluation in the areas of developmental, counseling, and clinical psychology, as well as in K-12 and postsecondary education. She received a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Emory University in Atlanta, GA, a master’s degree in Counseling Psychology and a doctorate in Developmental Psychology, both from Florida International University. She has held evaluation positions at the fourth largest school district in the U.S. and has overseen evaluation activities for a diverse range of federally funded programs ranging from grants involving school choice, funded by the Office of Innovation and Improvement, to programs aimed at improving achievement in populations of English language learners to Title I services.

Dr. Nichols-Lopez has an extensive background in quantitative research procedures and methodology and is skilled in various statistical analyses including ANOVA, regression, growth modeling, factor analysis, hierarchical linear modeling, structural equation modeling, mixture modeling, value-added modeling, and other complex multivariate statistical methods. She is also skilled in study design and survey development.

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