QQ Clients Around the World
Our client base extends to organizations and institutions across 60 different countries.

“Your solid technical expertise to implement this kind of work is unquestionable. But it is … the individualized, tailored support that makes your team particularly unique.”
“We are pleased to have QQ as one of our partners to conduct Third-Party Monitoring (TPM) for our USAID/Haiti Evaluation and Survey Services – Plus (ESS+) activities. TPM is a fast-paced process that requires continuous, real-time communication, very good planning and knowledge of the field context. QQ meets this requirement by taking into account the quality demanded.”
“I’m so grateful to the QQ family. It has been a privilege to work with such caring professionals. Thanks for all of your diligence and willingness to adapt to every curve ball we threw your way.”
“I am so glad we selected QQ for our external evaluation of a five-year grant project… I was always at ease throughout the evaluation knowing that they were totally organized and prepared to complete the project scope of work with the highest standards of integrity and quality… From start to finish the QQ team was very well organized, communicative, dedicated, timely, and most of all a pleasure to work with for our project’s evaluation.”
Our Clients Include
Partial Client List:
“QQ has served as project evaluators for three Magnet Schools Assistance Program (MSAP) federal grants for Miami-Dade County Public Schools – Office of Innovation – School Choice and Parental Options. Their professionalism, feedback, and quality reporting throughout project implementation, and their highly qualified staff have been essential to ensuring success of projects and continued grant funding.”
“Importantly, they (QQ)… have been able to provide linguistically and culturally appropriate services to conduct focus groups and collect community surveys.”
“QQ demonstrated consistent customer orientation in its work e.g., with the timely delivery of the evaluation reports… its swift responses to the Government comments, and a good quality and intensity of communications with the Government and other stakeholders.”
QQ “met all requirements outlined in the contract while saving money for the government. Training was exceptional and performed professionally. All timelines for deliverables and training were met without issue.”